Dr. Jacobsen wants to help you get back to you. Dr. Jacobsen specializes in wound repair, and is especially familiar with wounds of the breast caused by radiation. Contact us today to schedule a consultation so Dr. Jacobsen can share several options with you.
Breast Procedures Types of Implants Common Concerns Breast Augmentation/Lift
Breast Capsulectomy
Breast Implant Exchange
Breast Nipple Reconstruction
Breast Nipple Tattooing
Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reduction
Donut Mastopexy
Internal Breast Lift (Capsulodesis)
Over Muscle Breast Augmentation
Radiated Breast Surgery
Under Muscle Breast Augmentation
Vertical Mastopexy
Weiss Pattern Mastopexy
Dr. Jacobsen's Recommendations
Anatomic Breast Implants
Gummy Bear Implants
Saline Breast Implants
Silicone Gel Breast Implants
Teardrop Breast Implants
Textured Breast Implants
Asymmetric Breast Surgery
Brassieres for Breast Surgery
Breast Augmentation Incisions
Breast Augmentation Sizing
Breast Birth Defects
Breast Implant Safety
Warranties & Guarantees
Radiation Wounds
The Breasts The Dr. William Jacobsen
Surgical Education Portal

Radiation Wounds of Breast

Women after radiation for breast cancer often develop wounds. These are nonhealing wounds. The wounds tend to be very leathery and white and one can see that does not much blood supply to the tissue. The wounds tend to be quite chronic. Women end up spending many weeks and months and years getting dressing changes to try to heal these areas and they do not heal. They sometimes tend to get secondarily infected and are treated with antibiotics for weeks and months and years. Radiation wounds can be corrected and should be corrected. You do not need to live with this radiation wound the rest of your life. These radiation wounds can be corrected. Various flaps can be utilized to bring tissue into the area that is not radiated the tendons to heal this area. These operations are relatively simple and safe and often are very satisfying to women who have been living for weeks to months or years with the radiation wound. If you have the radiation wound of your chest or breast from radiation therapy for your cancer you should seek the attention of a reconstructive surgeon or come to see Dr. Jacobsen. You can also send a picture of your wound to Dr. Jacobsen as well.


Dr J and his staff look forward to understanding the details of your unique case, desires and aspirations, and to providing you with realistic, safe and attainable results that leave you looking beautiful, and truly feeling like yourself. Take the first step toward your healing or rejuvenating procedure with Dr J by filling out our contact form to request a consultation, or to inquire about any of the services we offer. We look forward to treating you!

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Dr J and his staff are committed to providing you with exceptional and compassionate care. On behalf of our entire team, we invite you to request a consultation to talk to Dr J about your goals, expectations and aspirations. We can’t wait to find out how our 20-plus years of experience in cosmetic and functional plastic surgery can help change your life, and make you a happier, healthier person.

Dr. William Jacobsen
Plastic Surgery
2525 East Arizona
​Biltmore Circle, Suite C236
Phoenix, AZ  85016

Phone: 602-212-0100
Fax: 602.279.1701

Our Procedures & Treatments

Dr J considers every surgery an opportunity to express his vision with his patients, and believes in natural, beautiful results that leave you feeling confident and beautiful, but most importantly, feeling like yourself. From extremely rare and complex surgical cases, to cosmetic surgery, Dr J has the experience, compassion and understanding to help you achieve your surgical goals.

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