En Bloc Capsulectomy for Breast Implant Related Illness or BII

A consensus statement on the terminology and management of breast implant capsules issued by the Breast Surgery Collaborative Community (BSCC), a consortium of patient advocates, board-certified plastic surgeons and others with a vested interest in enhancing breast surgery safety, offers clarity for women seeking guidance on removal of breast implants related to health concerns. 

In particular, the BSCC, which includes physician representatives of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and The Aesthetic Society, notes that an en bloc capsulectomy — a lengthy, complex, and expensive procedure — is only necessary for patients with an established or suspected breast implant-associated cancer after appropriate medical workup. 

“It’s unfortunate, but there are surgeons who will capitalize on a patient’s trust or fear to urge them toward the more costly and riskier procedure,” says The Plastic Surgery Foundation (PSF) President Scot Bradley Glasberg, MD, who is a co-founder of the BSCC. “In actuality, the en bloc is only necessary in very specific cases and it can leave patients with significant breast deformities, and be prone to complications. Ultimately, it should be the science and clinical data that dictates clinical care and guidelines.” 

The BSCC consensus statement points out that it is currently unknown whether the removal of breast implants with or without a capsulectomy will prevent the future development of a breast implant-associated cancer. It also says there is a rare subset of patients who have still developed breast implant-associated cancer after capsulectomy. 

The BSCC statement adds that patients who decide to undergo a capsulectomy, particularly those with textured implants, must continue standard clinical monitoring and imaging surveillance after that surgery. 

“It’s absolutely vital that patients be made aware of all options and the risks associated with any surgical procedure during the informed consent process,” says William P. Adams, Jr. MD, a past president of The Aesthetic Society, The Aesthetic Foundation, and a co-founder of BSCC. “It is always a patient’s choice to elect to undergo a procedure such as a capsulectomy, provided the risks of such a surgery are clearly understood. However, it is our responsibility as plastic surgeons to ensure that patients get the best evidence-based information developed through high-level science, and right now many patients are being given a lot of misinformation on the internet and social media sites.” 

The BSCC consensus statement defines four types of capsulectomy: 

  • Total intact capsulectomy: Complete removal of the breast implant capsule as a single unit. 
  • Total capsulectomy (total precise capsulectomy): Complete removal of the breast implant capsule, not necessarily done as a single unit or in one piece. 
  • Partial capsulectomy: Removal of the breast implant capsule where some capsule is left behind. 
  • En bloc capsulectomy: Removal of the breast implant capsule with a margin of uninvolved tissue for treatment of suspected or established breast implant-associated cancers after appropriate medical workup. 

Further, the BSCC consensus statement explicitly states, “the absolute and only indication for an en bloc capsulectomy is for an established or suspected breast implant-associated cancer after appropriate medical workup.” 

The BSCC notes that the informed-consent process for patients considering a capsulectomy should be a shared decision-making process with their surgeon, including a discussion of potential benefits and risks. This should include patient concerns regarding systemic symptoms, often referred to as Breast Implant Illness (BII), the risk of breast implant-associated cancers involving the capsule (such as BIA-ALCL, BIA-SCC, etc.), and any potential future risks, especially resulting from textured implants and tissue expanders. Importantly, the risk of the capsulectomy procedure itself, including the patient’s medical history, must also be weighed against those risks noted. 

Dr. Jacobsen knows how to do this effectively safely and to ensure you have all the benefits of removing her implant for your recovery whether it is for pain or for breast implant-related illness.

The most common complication after this operation is bleeding. Although the incision may be relatively small the surface area inside your breast around the capsule is quite large and so we make sure that you have a compressive surgical bra and the limit your activity significantly for the first 48 hours after the surgery to prevent bleeding. Sometimes drains are utilized as well.



Breast Implant Illness – Frequently Asked Questions/Talking Points Q

[from www.surgery.org]

 What is Breast Implant Illness (BII)?

There are many women now with breast implants who self-identify and present with various systemic symptoms and deeply believe that these are related to their breast implants. They refer to these symptoms as Breast Implant Illness (BII). Breast Implant Illness (BII) is a term used by women who have breast implants and who self-identify and describe a variety of symptoms including (but not limited to) fatigue, chest pain, hair loss, headaches, chills, photosensitivity, chronic pain, rash, body odor, anxiety, brain fog, sleep disturbance, depression, neurologic issues and hormonal issues that they feel are directly connected to their saline or silicone, textured or smooth breast implants.

The recent increase in patients reporting Breast Implant Illness (BII) symptoms appears to be related to social media. There is one Facebook group alone with more than 50,000 members, all of whom report Breast Implant Illness (BII) symptoms. This is not to say that social media is the cause of Breast Implant Illness (BII) however, it may account for the rapid increases in patient reporting.

BII is not an official medical diagnosis so far and there is no ICD-10 diagnostic code for this phenomenon.

Is there a link between medical grade silicone implants and any disease?

Silicone is an element that exists in nature as crystalline silica, which has been shown to activate the immune system in conditions such as systemic sclerosis which has been seen in stonemasons. The silicone used in breast implants is different. So far this silicone substance not been proven to cause any disease. This silicone does not exist in nature, it is created by hydroxylating silica to form polydimethylsiloxane. Medical grade silicone has had antioxidants, dyes, and plasticizers removed during processing.

There is medical grade silicone is nearly all implantable medical devices.


Total knee joint

Total hip joint

Brain shunts

Some heart valves

IV catheters


Nasal Splints

Chest tubes

Cardiac bypass tubing

Internal defibrillator devices

Prosthetic limbs

Facial masks for burn patients


Spinal stimulators

Drains, internal in the body

Foley catheters

Feeding tubes


Silicone sheets for scar management

None of these devices and the associated silicone within them have been associated with any disease or condition.

The reason this silicone is used in medical devices is that it is indeed inert to the human body just like glass or sand. These substances have been known to NOT cause any allergic reaction as there are for many other medical materials, drugs or substances. This why this material is used in medical devices.

It is interesting to note that the silicone used in nearly ALL other medical devices has not been implicated in any illness of any sort.

We have seen patients with a large “load” of silicone in their knees and hips from replacements but believe it is only the silicone in their breasts that are causing problems.

Are there any tests that would indicate a connection between breast implants and symptoms that are being labeled Breast Implant Illness (BII)?

There is no diagnostic testing specifically for Breast Implant Illness (BII). This is one of the current areas of focus for the Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation, the research arm of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. There are tests for autoimmune diseases that can be performed to evaluate for potential causes of a patient’s symptoms. There are patients who have symptoms they attribute to Breast Implant Illness (BII) with positive immune testing and others with all laboratory tests which show no abnormalities.

Is there any scientific data showing causation between implants and these symptoms or any disease entity?

In 1999, The Institute of Medicine Committee on the Safety of Silicone conducted an extensive review of the available literature and concluded there was no demonstrated clear link between silicone implants and any systemic illness. There have been studies of many different sizes and designs to look at the safety of breast implants themselves. These have looked at specific autoimmune disorders and diseases. In aggregate, these studies show little to no links between breast implants and any disease. Studies of patients who have symptoms that they have related to their breast implants have not shown consistent laboratory abnormalities to define a distinct syndrome. To date, there has been very little in the way of research into this entity that has been labeled Breast Implant Illness (BII) by women with breast implants.

BII is not new. Only the name is new. In the early 90s there was a great “scare” regarding breast implants and there was a moratorium on their use for years except for reconstructive purposes. Over the next 15 years the breast implant was the most studied medical device in the history of man! 100,000s of women all over the world were studies. Dr Jacobsen participated in the studies. NO connection between breast implant silicone and auto-immune diseases or other illnesses were discovered even remotely and as a result the FDA after exhaustive consideration re-approved the silicone implants for general use in 2006.

You can read this report here:

FDA Update on the Safety of Silicone Gel-Filled Breast Implants


Does implant removal improve patient’s symptoms or cure a patient who has a medically diagnosed disease entity like an autoimmune disease?

Various studies show different degrees of improvement in patient symptoms after removal of their breast implants, some of which are temporary, and some showing permanent resolution of symptoms. There are no studies that specifically show which symptoms may or may not improve with implant removal with or without capsulectomy. There is no current definitive epidemiological evidence to support a direct link between breast implants and any specific disease process. However, this does not mean further research is not indicated. In rare and unusual disease processes, it can take years to come to a scientific conclusion. There are many factors that can affect the interaction between a patient and her breast implants. Further study is required to determine the best way to potentially screen patients prior to breast implant surgery and to determine which of the multitude of reported symptoms might improve with implant and capsule removal. A lack of a direct, proven scientific link does not mean that the symptoms experienced by these patients are not real. Some patients have legitimate concerns about a potential link between breast implants and symptoms, so it deserves our attention and further scientific research to better determine what symptoms may improve with explanation of implants.

What are ASAPS and ASERF doing to better understand this group of systemic symptoms being called Breast Implant Illness (BII)?

Because there are many women that self-identify as having Breast Implant Illness (BII), we are listening. ASAPS and ASERF are developing a new scientific study to examine this entity. We are also providing our members with a questionnaire to use to collect a record of complaints from patients with implants, as well as one to utilize for post-explantation. We cannot yet define BII and therefore cannot say with any certainty that it exists, because we do not have any tests we can run to prove or disprove its existence. However, we can listen to and partner with our patients to determine what is the best course of action to address their complaints, be it explantation or otherwise.

What should a physician do when a patient complains of Breast Implant Illness (BII) symptoms?

Do not ignore your patient’s concerns. Their symptoms are real and whether or not they can or cannot be attributed to their implants isn’t relevant since there is simply no existing way to prove nor disprove causation or association. Options can include further medical workup with or without the consultation of a rheumatologist, observation without medical workup, implant removal without capsulectomy, exchange with or without capsulectomy, removal with total capsulectomy, or removal with en bloc capsulectomy. Patients who present with concerns of Breast Implant Illness (BII) have real symptoms that often cannot be categorized into any specific know disease entity. This does not mean their symptoms are not real and they deserve a full evaluation. The various options need to be discussed and hopefully, with further research, we may be able to determine which patients may see symptom improvement or resolution with removal of their implants and which may not see any change.

What is the risk of developing Breast Implant Illness (BII)?

As there is no definitive link between the often subjective and divergent list of symptoms and no means for testing, there is no ‘known’ risk. Many of the symptoms described by breast implant patients are experienced by the general public on a regular basis with or without implants. That isn’t to write-off a potential connection, but no connection has been established to-date. Patients should, however, be informed of the risks that can be associated with breast implants, including (but not limited to) BIA-ALCL, a rare spectrum of disorders that can range from a benign accumulation of fluids around the breast (seroma) to an extremely rare lymphoma. They should know that BIA-ALCL is not a cancer of the breast tissue itself and that when caught early, it is readily curable. If the disease is advanced, chemotherapy or radiation may be required.

If after the discussion of risks and the possibility of no improvement of symptoms post explantation is discussed with a patient, what should be done if the patient demands an “en bloc” or “total” capsulectomy with their explantation?

There are many medical inaccuracies perpetuated on the internet. BII patients tend to believe that a total capsulectomy is necessary to remove all causative agents and they prefer it en bloc, oftentimes without having a full understanding of what size incision is necessary for en bloc. Rather than react, first discuss the reasons you would perform a total capsulectomy with any patient. Not all plastic surgeons routinely perform a capsulectomy with explants, but some do. If you wish to perform capsulectomy on a patient, it is important to explain that it is not always possible to remove all of the capsules. Sometimes a portion of the capsule must be left behind or is disintegrated with the use of electrocautery to prevent significant damage to muscle, rib or lung. Explain what size incision is necessary for an en bloc (as many may not be aware of how large an incision may be necessary). If they had an axillary approach or periareolar approach for breast implant placement, it must be explained to them that they cannot have the procedure done through those incisions. It is recommended to reinforce that there are increased surgical risks associated with en bloc capsulectomy which requires a complete dissection of all the tissues surrounding the breast implant and, that we do not have enough collective data to guarantee any improvement in their symptoms they have labeled Breast Implant Illness (BII).

Dr J and his staff look forward to understanding the details of your unique case, desires and aspirations, and to providing you with realistic, safe and attainable results that leave you looking beautiful, and truly feeling like yourself. Take the first step toward your healing or rejuvenating procedure with Dr J by filling out our contact form to request a consultation, or to inquire about any of the services we offer. We look forward to treating you!

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  • Dr. J has an amazing personality and the surgery was quick, painless, and perfect. I didn’t even need to take any painkillers after I woke up. I look and feel so much better. Would highly recommend him to anyone considering surgery. The staff was also incredibly easy to work with. All around great office energy and the medical staff at the surgery center are so sweet.

    Crystal Greer Avatar Crystal Greer
    July 12, 2021
  • I’m 9 days post op and I’m very happy with the results so far (still healing). Dr. J is easy to talk to. I went in for a consult and was able to schedule the procedure for the very next week. All went very well. I was so afraid to remove the bandages - I was expecting a bloody/bruised mess. I was pleasantly surprised to see tiny incisions with no scabbing or bruising. I’m very impressed.

    Olimpia Garner Avatar Olimpia Garner
    April 24, 2021
  • Enjoyed meeting and working with Dr. J. I had an eye lift and it was a pleasant experience from start to finish. Dr. J’s bed side manner is very personable and genuine. He explained everything step by step and made the procedure very painless. Even though I’m from Minnesota - I will be coming to Dr. J for any future cosmetic surgical needs. I cannot recommend Dr. J enough.

    Trudy Hart Petersen Avatar Trudy Hart Petersen
    April 24, 2021
  • What a brilliant human! I’m so thankful for finding this amazing genius. I’ve struggled with skin sagging since my weight loss surgery. My arms were my nemesis, I have other skin removal surgeries to have in the future but my arms were really my starting point and I had went to try to freeze the remaining stubborn fat and skin to hopefully shrink. Yeah that didn’t work. Then I found this guy, he’s awesome, his staff is awesome and professional and I cannot say thank you enough to this life changing leap into the rest of my journey. I truly and blessed to have had the opportunity to be able to experience the joy he has for his craft. He has truly changed my life. Thank you Dr. J.

    Sholeena Gable Avatar Sholeena Gable
    January 8, 2021
  • I, Theresa Buschbacher, prepared this review and submitted it on my husband,s account. Superb, Excellent, Caring, Compassionate, Knowledgeable, Experienced, these are all descriptive terms that one must earn. Dr.J has completely filled the requirements of each and every of these terms and they can all equally be applied to him. His knowledge immediately puts you at ease (and when what he says will happen does actually happen, you get a big smile inside and you know you have a relationship with an excellent doctor)! Now for the support staff, they relate to you and express a genuine concern for what you are going through. They work with you and put you at ease while accomplishing what is needed for the “business end” of the doctor’s office. This is a WINNER!!

    Mike Buschbacher Avatar Mike Buschbacher
    December 16, 2020
  • Dr. Jacobsen and his staff did such an amazing job taking care of me. Went in for my consultation on Tuesday and they were able to get me in surgery by Thursday. By far the best prices in the valley after searching everywhere! Incredible care! I have referred all my friends to Dr. Jacobsen!

    C D Avatar C D
    November 13, 2020
  • I got in right away. I felt very reassured that I was in very professional caring hands. I highly recommend Dr. Jacobsen. The staff was very friendly. The office was very nice and comfortable. My experience was beautiful. I’m very thankful to have been his patient today. ❤️

    Aimee Beth Avatar Aimee Beth
    November 6, 2020
  • This will be a long review but worth the read! I'm beyond impressed with the overall quality, cleanliness, prices, customer service and results. First impressions, their branding of their classy theme provided an elegance that I felt right at home. I felt like a king who was going to get the best treatment! Secondly, very clean... I mean this place was immaculate! You can tell these folks worked hard to build their business and put in the work to upkeep it! As a business owner myself I applaud the way they conduct their business and never loose their family values, that caring, compassionate, family oriented value that most businesses start off with but loose over time. I can tell that money is not their passion. Their customers results are, the smiles and cries one has when they see their results. I was terrified of anesthesia, and when I expressed my concerns about my PTSD the surgeon, anesthesiologist and staff all took the time to sit with me and listen to me then proceed with a break down of how well they were going to take care of me and make sure I have the best experience possible. In which I certainly did! And best part I didn't wake up out of it, scared, panicking or anything like that. I was a little tired of course, but I went live for my fans soon as I got in the car. I felt comfortable the entire time I was waiting and when my nerves were really high I was honest and told them. They put in the extra love to make sure I was ok. When I went back and they gave me whatever magical cocktail, I felt as my procedure was 4 seconds. I didn't wake up during surgery, didn't hear anything nor wake up in pain! Everything they could have possibly done right they absolutely did! I felt safe too. And when I had questions after they were great about responding and following up. The cleanliness was great, and they took all precautions during this time of COVID-19. I knew the day I met Dr. Jacobson during my consultation that he had to be my surgeon! I hope this review helps viewers make that final decision on choosing Dr. Jacobson as their surgeon and if anyone has questions you are more then welcome to ask and I will answer to the best of my abilities? Thank you Dr. Jacobson and your staff?? my results are incredible! And I'm not even fully healed yet and I can't stop staring at my chest! It's a dream come true and it wouldn't have be possible without you and your staff. God bless!

    Darian Terrell Avatar Darian Terrell
    October 12, 2020
  • Got my breast augmentation and lift done here so amazed and pleased with the results hands down a wonderful surgeon and gentleman 5stars all the way around

    Jessica Shipman Avatar Jessica Shipman
    October 3, 2020
  • Dr J is absolutely brilliant. His office and staff are out of this world and his demeanor is so friendly and up beat. He makes you feel like you are in the best possible hands... And you are! The Surgeon I met with before I saw Dr J told me I would need a general anesthetic for my surgery and likely a skin graft. I was terrified. Went to Dr J for a second opinion and he was totally nonchalant about what needed to be done. He did it a week later in his office with just some local freezing and it was amazing! No problems at all. I would never see another Dr for surgery. Dr J is truly above the rest! Even his peers give him awards. His office is full of them! Big hugs to him and his staff for turning this in a happy ending from a scary start.

    Michelle Suzuki Avatar Michelle Suzuki
    October 2, 2020

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Dr J and his staff are committed to providing you with exceptional and compassionate care. On behalf of our entire team, we invite you to request a consultation to talk to Dr J about your goals, expectations and aspirations. We can’t wait to find out how our 20-plus years of experience in cosmetic and functional plastic surgery can help change your life, and make you a happier, healthier person.

Dr. William Jacobsen
Plastic Surgery
2525 East Arizona
Biltmore Circle, Suite C236
Phoenix, AZ  85016

Phone: 602-212-0100
Fax: 602.279.1701
[email protected]

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Dr J considers every surgery an opportunity to express his vision with his patients, and believes in natural, beautiful results that leave you feeling confident and beautiful, but most importantly, feeling like yourself. From extremely rare and complex surgical cases, to cosmetic surgery, Dr J has the experience, compassion and understanding to help you achieve your surgical goals.

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