The neck lift is usually combined with a facelift. The neck lift is used to correct redundant skin on the neck particularly under the chin. The skin is not excised directly under the chin which leaves quite a considerable scar. Instead the skin is pulled up behind the ear on the LEFT and RIGHT side and the dissection is carried from behind the ear down to the neck allowing the skin to be lifted from the LEFT and RIGHT side just as you would do with your hands in front of the mirror. This tightens the skin around the neck and under the chin. An additional incision as often made under the chin allowing fat to be removed under the chin and the muscle and the chin to be tightened to give a better angle under the chin and a sharper appearance to the angle of the chin. The neck lift is rarely done by itself and is usually done in combination with a facelift. If the neck skin is pulled tight it will create an imbalance look with the facial skin that is not pulled tight. So generally, with a facelift the neck is pulled up slightly as well and with the neck lift the face is pulled up slightly as well. Generally speaking with a full facelift the neck is limited to some significant degree as a matter of the course of a facelift. What you need and what you want to change can be determined by examination and Dr. Jacobsen can help you with this.
Contact Us Today For A Phoenix Neck Lift Consultation

Dr J and his staff look forward to understanding the details of your unique case, desires and aspirations, and to providing you with realistic, safe and attainable results that leave you looking beautiful, and truly feeling like yourself. Take the first step toward your healing or rejuvenating procedure with Dr J by filling out our contact form to request a consultation, or to inquire about any of the services we offer. We look forward to treating you!
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Dr J and his staff are committed to providing you with exceptional and compassionate care. On behalf of our entire team, we invite you to request a consultation to talk to Dr J about your goals, expectations and aspirations. We can’t wait to find out how our 20-plus years of experience in cosmetic and functional plastic surgery can help change your life, and make you a happier, healthier person.
Dr. William Jacobsen
Plastic Surgery
2525 East Arizona
Biltmore Circle, Suite C236
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Phone: 602-212-0100
Fax: 602.279.1701
[email protected]
Our Procedures & Treatments
Dr J considers every surgery an opportunity to express his vision with his patients, and believes in natural, beautiful results that leave you feeling confident and beautiful, but most importantly, feeling like yourself. From extremely rare and complex surgical cases, to cosmetic surgery, Dr J has the experience, compassion and understanding to help you achieve your surgical goals.