Radiation can have long lasting impacts on the skin. Sometimes causing the skin to become very thick or very thin. In the case of breast tissue, radiation can cause the breast tissue to become quite firm, changing the nature of the underly tissue and skin. Also known as radiation arteritis. Radiation narrows the blood supply and the blood vessels to the skin of the radiated area. In turn the skin takes longer to heal and becomes more prone to infection. Requiring more post-op care. The risks of operating on the skin that has been radiated are higher for both surgical dehiscence (the incision coming apart) and for infection. Generally, for cases of radiation Dr. Jacobsen requires the wear of a brassiere for 24 hours a day and extends the length of prescribed antibiotics. Lessening the chances for infection and allowing greater time for healing. Going into surgery the patient and the doctor must enter an understanding that there will, or might be, some expected complications.
20 years ago, radiation was much more harsh and the impacts were more noticeable. Now, at times, it is even difficult to tell which side has been radiated on. More modern techniques have left the skin less injured, less rough and safer for reconstruction. Although you may not feel or see differences from radiation, their effects on the healing are quite present and persistent through time. Leaving the patient higher risk for complications. Dr. Jacobsen is very experienced dealing with higher risk patients and is here to comfort and take care of any needs or concerns you may have.
Contact Us Today For A Breast Surgery Consultation

Dr J and his staff look forward to understanding the details of your unique case, desires and aspirations, and to providing you with realistic, safe and attainable results that leave you looking beautiful, and truly feeling like yourself. Take the first step toward your healing or rejuvenating procedure with Dr J by filling out our contact form to request a consultation, or to inquire about any of the services we offer. We look forward to treating you!
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Dr J and his staff are committed to providing you with exceptional and compassionate care. On behalf of our entire team, we invite you to request a consultation to talk to Dr J about your goals, expectations and aspirations. We can’t wait to find out how our 20-plus years of experience in cosmetic and functional plastic surgery can help change your life, and make you a happier, healthier person.
Dr. William Jacobsen
Plastic Surgery
2525 East Arizona
Biltmore Circle,Suite C236
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Phone: 602-212-0100
Fax: 602.279.1701
[email protected]
Our Procedures & Treatments
Dr J considers every surgery an opportunity to express his vision with his patients, and believes in natural, beautiful results that leave you feeling confident and beautiful, but most importantly, feeling like yourself. From extremely rare and complex surgical cases, to cosmetic surgery, Dr J has the experience, compassion and understanding to help you achieve your surgical goals.